EDITORIAL: “Prometheus: How the Sci-Fi Flick’s R-Rating Helped It Conquer...
Earlier this year, Universal cancelled a proposed $150 million adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s At The Mountains of Madness when director Guillermo del Toro refused to settle for less than an R-rating. A...
View ArticleEDITORIAL: “That’s My Boy: Does the Failure of Two Adam Sandler Flicks in a...
Do movie stars still exist? Summer 2012 seems determined to answer that question with a resounding “No”. Hollywood has long been obsessed with the idea of a box office star – an actor who can reel in a...
View ArticleEDITORIAL: “The Watch: How Marketing Doomed The Sci-Fi Comedy’s Chances at...
As predicted, The Dark Knight Rises continued to hold audiences in its grip this weekend, easily defeating a duo of new releases including The Watch and Step Up Revolution. Although both debuts opened...
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